What role can AI play in social media marketing?
Social media has become an integral part of businesses to interact with customers, influencers, and businesses. An impactful strategy devised around social media can assist in increasing social media conversations and enhancing the brand’s strength.
Social media platforms have humungous pools of data, with an approximate 2.7 billion users across the globe. The reach of these social networking platforms and their impact on our society is expected to increase at an exponential rate. With such growth prospects, these platforms are poised to create even bigger reserves of data.
This is where artificial intelligence (AI) comes into the picture. AI is a field of computer science, which employs cognitive technologies to deduce data from the real world, to understand and carry out tasks. AI assists in analyzing vast volumes of data to identify consumer behavior patterns, hashtags, and trending topics.
Many social media platforms are leveraging AI technology to get insights into consumer behavior and change their offerings accordingly. Numerous online marketing companies have also started to explore novel ways to implement AI with social media. The AI tools being used can extrapolate information regarding consumer behavior on social media, by relying on predictive analytics.